From Nashville across the North Atlantic, over the fjords and glaciers of Greenland, Nikki Mitchell and Rhonda Miles land in Moscow in their single engine aircraft to a media blitz. They are joined by two Russian pilots, Khalide Makaganova and Natalia Vinakarova, and fly wing-to-wing retracing the 1938 Flight of the Rodina across Siberia. Every day is a brand new flight with celebrations and perilous adventures. Forty-nine days and 15,000 miles later, Nikki and Rhonda land back in Nashville fulfilling a dream that brings two countries together to shine a light on heroic women pioneers of aviation's past.

The 1938 Flight of the Rodina by Marina Raskova, Valentina Grizodubova, and Paulina Ossipenko breaks a world record and opens up the air routes from Moscow to the dangerous remote tundra of the Siberian Far East. Their radio transmission fails. They eventually run out of fuel forcing an icy landing in the remote tundra. The courage and stamina of these women still capture our imagination today. Feted worldwide, these aviatrixes receive their country's highest medal of honor, the Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Marina Raskova convinces Stalin to allow her to form the first all-women air combat regiment who serve as bomber and fighter pilots in WWII. The German troops dubbed them the Night Witches. The women fly through frigid nights in open cockpits with their bombs in their laps. They buzz the German troops, sometimes bomb them, and always create havoc wearing the Germans down for an easier defeat by their Soviet comrades.